Proto-Cymec Pamedarian
Language CodePCM
Endonym (Romanised)Kymba
Endonym (IPA)/kymba/
Endonym (Etymology)West
Language FamilyCymec Pamedarian

Proto-Cymec Pamedarian was the original language spoken by a group of Lower Pamedarian clans about 3000 to 5000 years ago. Due to strong influence from Proto-Tersamian, Cymec Pamedarian has lost all of the uvular and pharyngealised consonants, developed vowel harmony and has a slightly more complex syllable structure, with more consonants allowed in the coda. In addition, PCM is strongly head-initial, unlike the mixed nature of Proto-Pamedarian. However, unlike both Proto-Tersamian and Proto-Pamedarian, PCM does not have grammatical gender, although it still has separate pronouns for animate and inanimate nouns.



Proto-Cymec Pamedarian has a much reduced set of consonants compared to Proto-Pamedarian, but still retains a 3-way distinction in plosives (fortis, aspirated and lenis).

Aspiratedpʰ <ph>tʰ <th>[ʈʰ]kʰ <kh>
Fricatives[ʂ]ʃ <sj>x ~ h <h>
Affricated͡z ~ z <z>[ʈ͡ʂ] [ɖ͡ʐ ~ ʐ]t͡ʃ <c>
Approximantlɻ ~ ɽ <r> [ɭ]j
  1. Retroflex consonants are pronounced subapically like in Tamil.

Just like in Swedish, retroflex /ɻ/ can cause neighbouring consonants to become retroflex. When the following consonants come after /ɻ/, their position of articulation changes accordingly, with /ɻ/ being elided:

Original SequenceNew Sequence
/ɻs/, /ɻʃ/[ʂ]
/ɻd͡z ~ ɻz/[ɖ͡ʐ ~ ʐ]

/ɻ/ can also influence precending consonants in a similar manner, but in this case, it does not get elided:

Original SequenceNew Sequence
/sɻ/, /ʃɻ/[ʂɻ]

In summary,

ɻ{n,t,tʰ,d,{s,ʃ},d͡z,t͡ʃ,l} > {ɳ,ʈ,ʈʰ,ɖ,ʂ,ɖ͡ʐ,ʈ͡ʂ,ɭ}
{n,t,{s,ʃ},l}ɻ > {ɳ,ʈ,ʂ,∅}ɻ

Coda plosives sometimes assimilate for voicing. Particularly, if the plosive comes before /m/, /n/, /ŋ/, /b/, /d/, /g/, /d͡z/, then it becomes voiced:

{p,t,k}{m,n,ŋ,b,d,g,d͡z} > {b,d,g}C

Other assimilatory processes include:

sj > ʃ
CC > C
{sʃ,ʃs} > ʃ
ʃd͡z > sd͡z
st͡ʃ > ʃt͡ʃ
VV > Vː


Proto-Cymbec features tongue-root vowel harmony, with 4 vowels in each of the categories. All vowels in a word should ideally be in the same category.

Highiɨ <ï>y ~ ʊ <y>u ~ o <u>
Loweɛ <ë>aɔ ~ ɒ <o>

Two vowels may come together to form a diphthong, or a long vowel if they are the same quality.


The maximum syllable structure is CVV{m,n,ŋ,p,t,k,s,ʃ,x,l,ɻ}. If both vowels are the same quality, they merge to become a long vowel.


Stress usually occurs on the first syllable but it is non-phonemic.